The evening was surprisingly blustery, so our members and friends retreated from the Henge to the quiet, wood-paneled living room. We had gathered earlier this month, the first weekend in August, to celebrate Lammas, evoke Fred's spirit, and exchange blessings with him. Lammas is very much a celebration of the first harvests, so we started by making corn dollies out of husks. Eating the yummy corn-on-the-cob later was sweet!

Each of our corn-dollies came out different.
We wanted to honor and remember Fred, so we brought some of his favorite things, including Almond Butter (thank you Barbara!), cigarettes courtesy of Chris, and fresh fruit. We had a selection of Fred's writings here - all the Korythalia newsletters, plus a quirky ode he wrote on a box-top (below) the year before he died. Chris brought some of his ashes, too. Several of us shared memories of Fred, and for those who hadn't met him, we showed a few minutes of video of Fred teaching his landscape yoga at a pagan festival in Georgia. Then we did a trance to open up to whatever Fred might want to share with us... Each person had their own experience of that, and we talked about it afterwards. Mine (Jo) was about moving more strongly toward getting a paradisal sanctuary established!
It felt right to check in with Fred; we have done a lot since he passed, what with getting "Dancing With Gaia" out (, then two editions of Celebrate Wildness: Magic, Mirth and Love on the Feraferia Path. The next project is Earth's Green Pulse: A Celtic Oracle of the Seasons. This is still in the works, having gotten more complex once we realized it actually integrates all the 72 Tarot cards, not just the Major Arcana. More soon on this!
Here is the box-top Ode to Her by Fred Adams:
Chasms and caverns of the mystic Body
The Grand Rite of writhing and twisting in sexual rapture!
She is a soprano, a coloratura sapphire with hummingbird wings of gold...
Traveling back and forth from coast to coast, spanning continents in a twinkle...
the Timeless Instant of Delight (TID)!
The impalpable yet surpassingly sensual queen of trees and stars gently pulsing through the universe
The hidden rose of transcendental sensuality
Transcendental dentistry
The rose of transcendental sensuality, trance n dental sensuality
In the paradisal sanctuary: highest priority!
......© Frederick Adams/Feraferia 2007
Here is a nice obituary for Fred Adams,