Feraferia Library
( 2 Articles )

This tiny building is packed with fabulous treasures that inspired the founders and records their ideas. Find out more below.
Film Projects
( 4 Articles )
Jo has worked on dozens of film projects, many in the California film industry. Near to her heart are a groundbreaking (and award winning) short, "Himalayan Pilgrimage", "A Dance for the Goddess", and a feature length documentary, "Dancing With Gaia".
Himalayan Pilgrimage was shot in 16 mm on location in Nepal in 1971.
A Dance for the Goddess was shot in 1973, and shows some early feraferian rituals, and more.
Dancing With Gaia was filmed over a 20 year period, and covers many aspects of Feraferia.
( 1 item )
Fred was an artist, and painted many Goddess images. We have posted some of them here...
Book Reviews
( 3 Articles )
Some of the books in the Feraferia library are phenomenal. Read reviews of a few of them here...
( 9 Articles )
This is the new Blog. Find out about the latest Library Explorations
( 7 Articles )
Here are a range of interviews about the making of Dancing With Gaia...