Home Practices Seasonal Rites

Seasonal Rites

These Rites celebrate the Quarters and Cross-Quarters of the year. They are usually performed with a group, and are designed to provide a series of 9 initiations as one progresses through the year. Note that Feraferia has an additional, ninth Festival called Repose, between Samhain and Yule.

We will publish the new scripts of our versions of these festivals as we can. The festivals represented by images below are in that process. In revising the Festivals, we aim to make them more focused and effective.

If you would like to see the more elaborate originals, published in Amsterdam by member Peter Tromp, please go to here.

Feel free to use our festivals yourself, either as is or as you may adapt them. Please be so kind as to note Feraferia as the source when you do use them.

We would appreciate you sharing with us how you use the festivals in our Members Section - our goal is to expand and evolve the Feraferian Tradition.

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# Article Title
11 Repose (image)
12 Harvest Home (image)
13 Lugnasad (image)
14 Summer Solstice (image)
15 Ostara (Image)
16 Feraferia Beltane (Script)
17 Festival of Samhain (Script)
18 Feraferia Celebrates Ostara - Spring Equinox, 1973 (Images)
19 Oimelc-Bridgit-Candlemass Rite (Script)
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