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Feraferia Today...


This is the first entry in the new Feraferian Blog:

We will post the latest news from the Library Project, Book of Feraferia, latest happenings, thoughts, communications, and more....

In "Drawing Down the Moon", Margot Adler wrote that Feraferia was like a beautiful jewel box, perched on a high shelf... It was an odd comment, for all of us who were enjoying the warm parties, the outdoor rituals, and the beauty of Feraferia. Maybe the best way to understand her comment is that it was great, but needed to be more accessible. Now, with this website and the one Peter Tromp has in Amsterdam, we want to do that, to get all the ideas, tools and inspirations out for use by everyone who resonates with Feraferia. Evoe Kore!



+2 #1 Jo C 2012-12-12 21:18
Very soon we will have available a beautiful introductory book, "The Feraferia Path in Pictures" - full of inspiration, essential info, and basic Feraferia practice! With art and photos on every page, it promises to be a luscious read. We're hoping for January, 2013 release.
... Jo

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