Home Practices Enchantments Kore Spirit Chant

Kore Spirit Chant


Kore Spirit Chant

(by R. J. Stanewick)

Kore presence fire and water,

Air and earth, Holy Daughter.

Kore presence now arise.

Dance the ways of paradise.

Stand here forth, oh Holy Maiden,

Kore of the kindling quick;

Kore presence stirring here,

Dance with us the sacred year.


Kore spirit,now appear

In mystery raiment of the year.

Kore quick, inhabit here.

May your earth-spun flesh appear.

Kore spirit present here,

Dance with us the sacred year.

Kore Queen, here indwell.

Your sacred ring,

Your sacred well.


Kore spirit,now appear

In mystery raiment of the year.


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